The Accidental Leader: Journey from Tech Guru to Executive

The Accidental Leader: Journey from Tech Guru to Executive

The Challenge of Unexpected Leadership Meet Michael Anderson, a talented tech expert who, without much warning, found himself leading a large team. This is pretty common in the tech world—skilled specialists are promoted to management roles with little guidance or training. You see, Michael had made a name for himself in the IT department. He was known for his fast problem-solving skills and ability to fix complex tech issues in a pinch. It wasn’t long before he got promoted to manage a team. But his experience in leadership? Well, that was limited. So, here’s Michael—suddenly a manager. Relying on his…
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Aware leaders impact diversity through inclusion

Dear Unaware Leader, The lack of diversity on your team or within your company is not because there are not enough of a certain race, gender, etc. available to fill a position.  It is because you have not done your part to seek them out, make them feel included or encouraged them to stick around. The answer is easy, the execution is hard.  Are you ready to step up? I am going to assume that since you are reading this you have good intent.  You genuinely believe that gender, race, sexual orientation, personality type, etc. does not hinder someone from…
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